Lower School
Lower School (Kindergarten through fourth grade) at Maranatha is a place where students learn through exploration. A growth, not a fixed, mindset is taught where students are encouraged to embrace challenges, learn from failure, and find joy in the journey.
Academic life for our lower school students is a carousel of many things, from language arts to Maker’s Space to PE to Design Thinking. No matter the day, something new for our students is just around the corner! Our days always begin with pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, the Bible, and prayer.
Our teachers genuinely care about their students and strive to learn more about who they are as people every day. As a group, our teachers are close-knit and work together daily to hone their professional skills to provide the best education possible for your child.
Reading is a core building block of our program. Kindergartners and 4th graders team up through our Book Buddies to share their love of reading. The fact that we are recognized as Best in State for the most minutes read shows our commitment to fostering readers, and good readers lead to good writers. By the time your child has finished at Maranatha, they’ll be fantastic writers.
Core Subjects:
- Bible
- Math
- Language Arts/Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
Specialist Subjects
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Library
- Innovation Hour
- Outdoor Garden
Lower school students learn by doing, and we provide them with every opportunity to do so. 1st graders participate in our mini-market, 3rd graders participate in Innovation Hour, and 4th graders learn economic concepts through Mini Economy. These are just a few of many moments where we give space for innovation and creativity.
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Spiritual Growth
Lower school students attend weekly chapels, have a dedicated Bible class, and are taught each subject from a Biblical worldview. Our high school Discipleship Groups also adopt a lower school classroom as a chance to speak into their lives as positive role models.
Heart, fact, and lasting impact
To care is to do at Maranatha. It is one thing to teach from a Christian worldview. It is another to encourage students to have a Christian world-do mindset. Some of the ways our students do are by writing Valentine's Day letters to widows, knitting squares that are patched together for blankets given to children in Twin Cities Children's Hospitals and orphanages around the world, and packing 50,000 meals for local food shelves during Meals for Minneapolis. We are teaching our students to lead with their faith in front. From every classroom experience to chapel, we instill godly character, global connection, and a genuine caring that impacts their lives and the world around them.
Service Learning
Lower school students are excited about life, and we want to instill in them the heart of Jesus to reach out to those in need. We give hands-on opportunities to do just that by doing things such as writing Valentine’s Day letters to widows, making blankets for children in Twin Cities children’s hospitals, and packing meals through our Meals for Minneapolis fundraiser.