Summer Programs

Summer at Maranatha

Summer is always a great time to regroup and recharge. It is also a time to explore new activities, books, improve athletic abilities, and even sharpen some academic skills. At Maranatha we offer plenty of opportunities through our Summer Program and Summer Reading programs.

Registration Timeline:

  • Registration for MCA's Summer Program 2025 is now open! 
  • Registration for athletic and enrichment clubs will be added throughout the spring with the first wave of clubs being published on Camp Brain on April 1st, 2025. Please check back for new clubs being added throughout the summer.
  • Registration for Summer Tutoring will open April 7th!"

Register for Summer Now

PreKindergarten & Kindergarten Summer Program

Maranatha Christian Academy offers a project-based approach to pre-kindergarten summer programming. During the summer, students ages 3 - entering Kindergarten will continue to learn and grow in a fun and engaging environment. Our Summer Program takes a unique hands-on approach to learning with so much for our littlest creators to do! With the ability to pick between our 2-Day (T/Th), 3-Day (M/W/F), and 5-Day options, our summer program offers flexible and affordable options all summer long!

Fees for PreK Students:

  • Full week (Monday–Friday): $325/week
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: $195/week
  • Tuesday and Thursday: $130/week

Note: A three-day option (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) is available for 1st–6th grade students if you are also enrolling a PreK student to align with the PreK schedule.

1st - 6th Grade Summer Program

Summer at MaranathaSummer at Maranatha offers plenty of opportunities for students entering Grades 1-6 during our summer program, including the return of weekly field trips, Water Wednesdays, Crunch Week, and more.

This year's theme is Play Well. In Danish, Play Well is 'leg godt' and is where the LEGO company gets its name. Their company's mission is to inspire creativity, learning, and fun through play. That aligns with our vision for our summer program here at MCA!  We desire to provide an active, fun-filled summer focused on project-based learning distinct to MCA's mission and vision of building up co-creators for tomorrow's new world.

Our summer program is open to current MCA students and students from the local community.*

The Summer program is flexible for families. Register for the full summer or select weeks that work for your family. Choose from four-day, five-day, or just Friday field-trips. Activities include:

  • Friday Field Trips
  • Water Wednesdays
  • Themed Activities
  • Arts and Crafts
  • STEAM Education

Summer camps include:

  • Music Enrichment**
  • Enrichment Clubs**
  • Athletic Clubs**

**These summer camps are offered at an additional cost.

Fees for students entering 1st–6th grade:

  • Full week (Monday–Friday): $300/week
  • Monday–Thursday only: $240/week
  • Friday only: $60/week

The 2025 Play Well Summer Catalog and Registration is coming soon!


*To participate in Maranatha’s summer programming, all student(s) and families not enrolled in MCA are required to go through an interview to ensure families and students align with our mission, vision, and values as a Christian school. This ensures partnership among families and students as you entrust your kids into our care.

Athletic Summer Camps

Students entering Grades 2-12 for the 2025-26 school year are invited to participate in the Mustangs Athletics Athletic Camps this summer. Participants will work on skills, teamwork, speed, and strength in a variety of sports. These fun camps are designed to be fun and challenging. 

Summer 2025 Athletic Camps coming soon.

Summer Tutoring

Are you looking for a way to help build your student's academic self-confidence, prevent summer learning loss, and maintain, or even build, learning momentum? Do you need to give your student extra skill practice to master concepts or get a head start on next year's curriculum? If so, then summer tutoring through Learning Support Services may be a good fit for you.

Learn more and register for summer tutoring.

Summer Reading

Summer reading at Maranatha Christian Academy is somewhat of a tradition. We take pride in our program, and we know how important it is for our students to read during the summer months. Our teachers partner with our media specialist and create suggested reading lists and engaging book projects.

Stay tuned for Summer 2025 Reading Program information and requirements. 



Take a look at the fun we have during the summer in the highlight reel below.