
The gift of your time impacts the student and teacher experience at MCA everyday.

Maranatha utilizes a Volunteer Platform, Get Connect by Galaxy Digital. This software helps us manage the many volunteer opportunities and track the amount of time our family and friends gift to us in service. If you have any questions as you go through the process, please email [email protected].

If you would like to get involved and volunteer, it's easy by following these steps: 

  • Create a profile on our volunteer platform, Get Connected
  • Login and view opportunities to volunteer
  • Once you find an opportunity you are interested in, click the 'Respond' button to indicate you're interested (if you are not logged in when you respond, the software will request that you do so). 
  • A pop up will ask if you have an active background check on file. If you answer no, please click on the link to start the background check. Remember to click the 'Submit Pre-requisites' button once you have completed that form (see images in dropdown below).
  • Our volunteer coordinator will contact you to confirm the details 
  • Once you arrive to volunteer, it is easy to check-in on our volunteer platform to track the number of hours you serve.

Volunteer on Get Connected


Do I need a background check?

Some volunteer opportunities will require a background check, which are active for 3 years.

There are two ways to get started with volunteering and verifying the need for this background check.

  1. Find the drop-down under your initials after registering and select pre-requisites. Complete the question below. If you do not have a background check, please click on the link to start the background check. Remember to click the 'Submit Pre-requisites' button once you have completed that form.

  2. Respond to an active opportunity and complete the pop-up question: Do you have an active background check on file? If you do not have an active background check (or are unsure), please click on the link to start the background check. Remember to click the 'Submit Pre-requisites' button once you have completed that form.


Once you complete the verify background check:

An autogenerated email will be sent to you stating "Living Word Christian Center has asked Checkr to run your background check." Maranatha Christian Academy is a ministry of Living Word. The email body of the will indicate that you applied at Living Word, which includes volunteering at Maranatha Christian Academy.

If you answered yes and have an active background check on file, please forward this email to [email protected] and we will verify that it is still active. 


Download the Get Connected App

For your convenience, our volunteer software also comes with a convenient app: Causer by Get Connected. Download from the App Store or Google Play