Kiosk will always be found in one of the Prekindergarten classrooms.
X-Tended Day
Maranatha's X-Tended Day programming offers great opportunities for students in Grades K-6 to build relationships, enhance creativity, achieve homework goals, and have fun together. Whether it is afterschool care, enrichment clubs, or non-school-day care, we instill the values of Christ's attitude reflected everywhere. As a continuation of Maranatha's school day, X-Tended Day's academic focus fosters a love of school taught through a Christian Worldview. To view the brochure, please click here.
Our X-Tended Care program uses Camp Brain. To register, click the button below:
X-Tended Day (K-4)
X-Tended Care is our after-school care program for Grades k-4. The program includes a snack, homework time, outdoor/indoor recreation, games and activities. Care begins at 3:15 p.m. and goes until 5:30 p.m. Parents can choose drop-in care or register for a pre-paid plan (available for registration via Camp Brain until September 27 at 6:00 pm).
X-Tended Experience (Grades 5 and 6)
X-Tended Experience is our after-school program for Grades 5 and 6. Students are provided a snack, will have an opportunity to complete homework, have access to outdoor/recreational time, and more. Care begins at 3:15 p.m. and goes until 5:30 p.m. Fifth and sixth graders being picked up after 5:00 p.m., will be located in room 173.
Parents can choose drop-in care or register for a pre-paid plan (available for registration via Camp Brain until September 27 at 6:00 pm). For more information regarding X-Tended Experience, please reach out to Mr. Brian Zimmer our middle school principal.
The Enrichment program is designed for students looking to take their learning to the next level through a variety of hands-on afterschool experiences and fun activities. The classes typically take place after school until 4:15 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. As new classes are added, flyers and information are sent home to allow parents to register their students for engaging activities such as book club, LEGO club, Step with Soul, Crazy 8's and much more!
Release Days and Half Days
When school is not in session, Maranatha has designed a special program. Students have fun with friends and often have an opportunity to go on field trips.
- When school is not in session for a full day, kindergarten through Grade 4 can participate in programming from 7:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Field trips include, but are not limited to, Shoreview Community Pool, Urban Air, Adrenaline Sports Center, The Fun Lab and much more.
- During half-days, kindergarten through Grade 6 will have care after early dismissal until 3:15 p.m. After school X-Tended Day/Experience rates apply for students staying after 3:15 until 5:30 as with standard school days.
Pick Up Procedure
Students must be signed out of X-Tended Day at a kiosk before staff will allow them to be picked up.
Kiosk is located in Room 173. Please check with a staff person when you sign out your student. Students will be brought to you, or you will be given a place to pick them up. If you are picking your child up from somewhere other than the classroom, don't forget to grab your child's backpack and other belongings when signing them out.
Kiosk is located in Room 173. Please check with a staff person when you sign out your student. They will be sent to meet you, or you will be given a place to pick them up; typically the USLC or outside.
X-Tended Day Registration
Click the tile below to register for Clubs, AfterSchool Care, and Release days.