X-Tended Day
Maranatha's X-Tended Day programming offers great opportunities for students in Grades K-6 to build relationships, enhance creativity, achieve homework goals, and have fun together. Whether it is afterschool care, enrichment clubs, or non-school-day care, we instill the values of Christ's attitude reflected everywhere. As a continuation of Maranatha's school day, X-Tended Day's academic focus fosters a love of school taught through a Christian Worldview.
For care options and registration beyond the school day, click here.
Release Days and Half Days
When school is not in session, Maranatha has designed a special program for students in PK through Grade 6. During these non-school or half-days, students have fun with friends and often have an opportunity to go on field trips. Full-days run 7:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. and after school on half days begin after dismissal and run until 3:15 p.m./3:20 p.m.. After school X-Tended Care/Experience rates apply.