Equipped to defend my faith with evidence and logical reasoning.

Equipped to defend my faith with evidence and logical reasoning.

Ellie, class of 2022, shares how her faith was deepened at MCA.

Ellie grew up in church attending Sunday school, Bible camps, youth group, and more. She knew that Jesus loved her and died on the cross for her. But one thing that was missing for Ellie was a deeply rooted understanding of why she believed and how she could defend that to countercultural narratives that are so prevalent in culture today.    

Ellie is not the only one—in fact, many Christian teens (and even adults) struggle to articulate what and why they believe. In fact, research shows that more than 70% of Christian teens leave their faith after high school, largely because they weren’t taught how to cross-examine skeptical views they encounter and defend their beliefs.   

So how can parents equip their children with a biblical worldview and a defendable faith?  

The spiritual formation of children is primarily the parent’s responsibility—and they are up against influences from peers, media, and school where they spend most of their day.  Barna Research found that Christian parents are eager for their children to develop a lasting faith, yet many lack clarity on how to disciple their children well in a decidedly post-Christian context.  

For Christian parents, partnering with their church and a Christian school can help support the development of a strong and defendable faith, with a core understanding of why they believe.   

That’s exactly what Ellie’s parents did. Transferring to Maranatha Christian Academy during high school gave her the opportunity to learn the Bible at a much deeper level. The Bible classes, particularly Apologetics, taught her exactly how to defend her faith when questioned about why she believes.    

 “I grew up as a pastor’s kid, but I never put in time to really learn more about the Bible. My faith wasn’t defendable, and any argument about why I believed what I believed could have quickly dismantled my faith. Now my faith isn’t just founded by emotional experiences (which are also so important), but also on knowledge. I can back up my faith with evidence and logical reasoning, which is an important aspect I was missing. As I leave MCA, I can defend my faith, and I know that it is true. I know my faith will be challenged, but now I can stand firm and cling to the truth.”  – Ellie, Class of 2022  

As Ellie reflects on her experience at Maranatha Christian Academy, she is incredibly grateful for the relationships she was able to develop with her teachers. Coming from a large public school, teachers there didn’t know her or invest in her as a person. Being in a Christian school where she can openly pray, worship, and study God’s Word has helped her grow in her faith and has built upon the firm foundation that her parents gave her. This partnership has equipped Ellie to defend her faith with evidence.   

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