Daily Bread for Lunch

Daily Bread for Lunch

Taking our focus off worldly problems and setting our eyes on Jesus through Daily Bread. 

by Matthew Singh, Class of 2024

Daily Bread is a student-led club where students can come in during lunch to participate in discussion or join in a time of worship. It is open to all high school students who are hungry for God’s presence and yearning to grow closer to Him.

Originally founded in 2018 by Dao Atomsa as a prayer and worship group, the club played worship songs on a speaker while students worshiped, prayed, and developed community. As the year progressed, Noah Sibinski and Caleb Kreig started doing live worship. During this time, they would play instruments and lead students in worship. Noah Sibinski says, “It was amazing to see and develop a community of people who were willing to sacrifice their lunch period just to give glory to God.”

Since then, new leaders have stepped up each year to continue this group allowing it to evolve in multiple ways. Currently, Daily Bread is hosted five times a week in the choir room alternating between student-led worship and student-led discussion.

For me, Daily Bread has been a time where I can escape from my everyday agenda to genuinely worship and learn about God with a community of
believers who feel likewise. Personally, as someone who is constantly busy, I have realized that it is challenging to find time to authentically sit down and connect with Jesus. Leading Daily Bread has allowed me to realize that it is about making time with the Lord, rather than “finding time.” In that sense, Freshmen Ashley Bailey and Avery Lanari said, “Daily bread helps take our focus off of worldly problems and helps us set our eyes on Jesus.”

I wholeheartedly believe that we are so blessed for the ability to have a community of students who are willing to sacrifice their lunch period to spend time with God and get their “Daily Bread.”

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