Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremonies

Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremonies

Dear Class of 2024,


Today is a great milestone to be celebrated - you are graduation from Maranatha Christian Academy. This marks the end of an era. Today we recall the memories you made, the lessons you've learned, and the friendships built during the past 13 years. Today we celebrate you and all you have accomplished. 

As you depart from Maranatha Christian Academy as a student for the last time, I pray the lessons you have learned within these walls will remain with you. As you go, it is my prayer that you stand on the shoulders of those of us who have had the privilege to watch you grow and mature through the years. May you dream bigger dreams, pursue higher passions, and see greater visions .And most importantly, may you keep God's Word at the center of your life. 

As you venture in the the next phase of life, I leave you with the same words the Lord gave Joshua when he was to lad the people of Israel; "Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8. Just as God was commissioning Joshua to lead the next generation of Israelites; He is commissioning each of you to carry out the calling He has paced on your lives. As you do this may the words of Matthew 5:16 ring true for each you; "...let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify you Father in heaven."

There will be many exciting days ahead for you. I pray you give thanks to the Giver of those days, glean wisdom from the One who gave us His Word, and fall more in love with Jesus with each passing day.

Class of 2024, Congratulations and God's Blessings to each one of you. 

Joanna Richter
Upper School Principal & Learning and Innovation Director


Class of 2024 Senior Graduation Ceremony

Photo Album

Class of 2024 Graduation


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