Setting Students Up for Lifelong Success

Setting Students Up for Lifelong Success

Molly Osberg, high school finance teacher, teaches everything from Personal Finance to Entrepreneurship. One of her goals in teaching is to have her students connect what they are learning in the classroom with what they do in their everyday lives. With everything going on in our current culture financially from massive student loan debt, rising home and car payments, young adults having to live at home, Mrs. Osberg wants to get the point across to her students that the choices they are making now will affect them in their very near future. “One of the biggest examples we just finished up in Personal Finance is researching occupations and potential colleges, and students got the opportunity to really explore the cost of college.” This is just one example of the many things that Mrs. Osberg does in order to make sure her students are set up for success in making wise financial decisions. 



Teaching Entrepreneurship is one of Molly’s special passions. In this class, students come up with a concept for a business and take it all the way from an idea to actually creating it, marketing it, and selling it. “ are learning that it’s this sustained effort that you don’t just create something and then there it is, but you have to continue to improve it.” These skills are hugely important, especially for students to understand that college is not the only route after high school. Mrs. Osberg stresses that “watching reels on social all day” where people flash their $10k/month income isn’t realistic. Hard work, dedication, and a wise financial plan is the path to success. To see highlights of this course in action, click on the video below.

Entrepreneurship class


One roadblock this generation faces is having a good work ethic. “They [the students] go out and they’re just kind of stunned that ‘I have to show up to work, you know, on time.’ Molly went on to talk about the importance of teaching skills that are transferable no matter the job. “We all need to communicate, we all need to collaborate, and we all need to have teamwork.”

Speaking of her favorite part about what she does, Molly expressed how great it is to teach finance in general. “I came from Wells Fargo, and I just feel so blessed to be able to teach something that I’m passionate about.” Molly sees her teaching financial literacy as her life’s work. Not only is teaching finance her passion but being able to do so through a biblical worldview is everything to her. “Everything we do revolves around serving Christ, serving the least.” 

Everything we do revolves around serving Christ, serving the least. - Molly Osberg


At Maranatha, our goal is to prepare students for college and life beyond. The business and entrepreneurship courses are one of many that provide real-life immersive experiences. Interested in exploring admissions for your child? Schedule a visit today!

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